Lots of updates!

Finally!  An up date!
Look up! Dates!

A few weeks ago I e-mailed an Applicant attorney friend of mine ((I’ll call him “Z.”)) and got back a one word response.  I jokingly chided him for being so chatty.  His response was thus:

No new blog = minimal response

Well, for Z and everyone else out there, here’s a new blog post! ((There are two kinds of blog posts I really hate to read.  Blog posts that apologize for infrequent posting and blog posts that talk about the frequency of blog posts.))  Over the weekend I updated several aspects of the website.  ((Photo courtesy of Agent Smith))  Here’s a short summary:

  1. Updated MPN / Medical Provider Lists.  I’ve added a lot more MPN names, links, and passwords.  If you have some new ones, please send them over.  I’ve also improved the link structure to help prevent broken links.
  2. Updated workers’ compensation calculators.  I’ve added a few small features that should make the calculators work a little better.
  3. Improved site speed.  I’ve added a little extra website-internet-magic-mojo that should improve the entire site’s performance.
  4. Something new!  I’m working on a brand new calculator.  If you like playing with calculators, kicking-tires, and dishing out criticism, drop me a line and ask to be a beta tester.
  5. Finally, if you see any weirdness over the next few days, please drop me a line and let me know so I can take care of it!

But, enough about me!  How are you?

Workers' Compensation Defense Attorney Certified Specialist Workers Compensation Law California State Bar Board of Legal Specialization Managing Partner of Purinton, Jimenez, Labo & Wu, LLP

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